
What Size Carbon Air Filter Do I Need

All Virtually Activated Carbon Air Filters?

When the air within your domicile, business or part smells a niggling less than fresh it may be time to get an activated carbon air filter. Between cooking, pets, kids and the outside world the indoors can have strong odors that are hard to get rid of completely.

There'due south one out-of-sight spot that could hold the solution to your trouble. The air filter yous use in your HVAC system can assist remove particles from the air that cause odors to linger. But some air filters are better than others, and many people believe activated carbon air filters are the way to go.

What is an Activated Carbon Air Filter?

At that place's a skilful run a risk you've never heard of activated carbon air filters until right at present. It's not much unlike from a conventional air filter, with a few extra features.

The most of import stardom is that activated carbon air filters accept a layer of carbon for the filter material. You may as well see activated charcoal air filters, which is the same affair as activated carbon.

Advantages of the Best Activated Carbon Air Filter

In addition to removing odors, activated carbon filters tin can also clear the air of gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This isn't the same as removing air particles. Odors and other gases are molecules that are floating in the air. This isn't what almost air filters are designed to remove. However, these advantages do come up with a drawback. Activated carbon air filters aren't great at trapping pollen, dust, mold and other fine air particles. Allergy-sufferers may want to utilize a pleated MERV xiii air filter instead or invest in a few true HEPA portable air purifiers to use alongside carbon air filters.

How Do Activated Carbon Air Filters Work?

An activated carbon air filter doesn't piece of work like other air filters. The layer of porous activated charcoal is able to adsorb gas molecules and large air particles. Adsorbing means that instead of soaking in the molecules stick to the carbon surface. The activated charcoal is and so powerful it can trap cigarette smoke. Once stuck in the carbon, odors are neutralized.

The carbon is a class of charcoal, either kokosnoot, wood or coal. To get very scientific, carbon is carbon atoms that are connected together in a latticework. The carbon used in air filters has been activated. That ways the carbon textile has gone through a process that makes information technology more porous and therefore able to capture more molecules. The carbon may besides undergo a chemical procedure to improve its ability to filter sure air pollutants.

But that porous surface also allows fine particles to skid through and keep circulating through the air. You'll demand to decide if odor and gas removal is more of import than removing allergens and mold.

It's important to notation that not all active carbon air filters are created equal. The more than carbon that'southward used the longer it will last and the more than it can pull molecules out of the air. Wait for filters that apply at least 5 pounds of carbon. You lot'll too want the activated carbon air filter to be every bit thick as possible. The longer the journeying is through the filter the more than probable molecules are to stick.

All homeowners should also understand that activated carbon air filters do non articulate the air of carbon monoxide. If there'southward the potential for exposure carbon monoxide detectors should be installed.

Does a DIY Activated Carbon Air Filter Work?

We admire homeowners that want to roll upward their sleeves and do things on their ain. Merely not every home projection is DIY appropriate.

You lot may have seen videos on YouTube about how to make your own activated carbon air filter at abode. But what they don't tell yous is it requires a 5-gallon saucepan or big box. To make a DIY activated carbon air filter yous need a container that is open on the sides and so that air can be pulled in. If using a 5-gallon bucket holes must be cut into information technology. Around iv pounds of activated carbon is held in a heart container and there'southward a fan affixed to the lid. The fan draws air into the container and pushes it dorsum out of the top.

Activated carbon air filters aren't inexpensive, but making your own isn't either. There are also ongoing costs considering the activated carbon will demand to be replaced.

If you're because a DIY pick considering sizing is an outcome you're much better off using a manufacturer like Filterbuy that tin create the custom air filter size you need. This will give you a precise fit with a lot less hassle.

How to Make clean an Activated Carbon Air Filter

Like other air filters, activated carbon air filters must be cleaned or replaced once the area is covered. At that signal there are no more adsorption points where air molecules can adhere.

Instead of neutralizing odors, when an active carbon air filter needs to be replaced or cleaned it emits a foul odor. It can also brainstorm releasing gas molecules that were captured as new molecules flowing through push them loose.

How long before an activated carbon air filter needs to be changed or cleaned depends on a few factors like:

  • How much carbon it contains
  • The thickness of the air filter
  • How much its used
  • The amount of pollutants in the air

If you're non certain how frequently you should make clean your activated carbon air filter check out the manufacturer recommendations. This will give y'all a general guideline. Some experts recommend cleaning this type of air filter every 2-iv weeks and replacing it subsequently a few months of use.

When it'south time to clean your activated carbon air filter, in that location are a few ways to articulate it of pollutants.

  1. If the air filter is labeled washable you can launder it following the manufacturer'southward directions.
  2. Some activated carbon air filters tin can be vacuumed.
  3. You lot can sit down an activated carbon air filter in the sunlight for 2-3 hours. All the same, this can simply be washed a few times earlier the air filter needs to be replaced.

Activated carbon air filters are more expensive than conventional air filters so regular cleaning is a practiced idea. Information technology will help improve efficiency and longevity so you get more than out of every activated carbon air filter.

READ More: Which Air Filter Should I Choose

What Size Carbon Air Filter Do I Need,


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