
How Much Money Does The Federal Tsp Manage

10 Min Read | Sep 27, 2021

When information technology comes to retirement planning, you probably hear a lot about 401(k)s. Simply if you're a federal employee or in the military, you don't have a 401(k). But, believe united states of america, that doesn't mean you tin can't build wealth for the future. Y'all can contribute to the federal Austerity Savings Plan—and that's smashing news!

Turns out, the Thrift Savings Plan is a pretty large deal. As far as defined contribution plans go, the TSP is the largest in the globe, with over $558 billion in avails.1

Over 5 million people accept a Austerity Savings Plan account, and—even meliorate—89% of participants are satisfied or extremely satisfied with the Thrift Savings Plan.2

Now, the primal to investing in the Austerity Savings Plan is to invest consistently and choose the right funds to help y'all build wealth for the long term. And that tin can exist scary, especially if yous're new to investing. The adept news is that with a niggling information about the Thrift Savings Plan and the funds it offers, you can brand it work for you.

Let'south dig in and we'll show you how.

What Is the Thrift Savings Program (TSP)?

The Austerity Savings Plan, also known as the TSP, was introduced in 1986 as part of the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act. The TSP was created to give federal workers the opportunity to invest in a revenue enhancement-advantaged account for retirement, similar to a 401(k) plan.iii

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Just like a 401(k), TSP contributions can be taken straight out of your paycheck, and you tin invest that coin in a variety of unlike funds. We'll dig into those fund options and which ones we recommend later.

Who Is Eligible for the Thrift Savings Plan?

In order to exist eligible to contribute to the TSP, you must exist employed by the federal government or be a member of the military. Most federal government employees have admission to the TSP, just if you're not certain, bank check with your benefits office.

What Is the Difference Between Traditional TSP Contributions and Roth TSP Contributions?

When the Thrift Savings Programme was created, in that location was but one revenue enhancement handling pick bachelor for your contributions: traditional. Simply in 2012, the Thrift Savings Plan started accepting Roth contributions besides.iv At present when you contribute to your TSP account, you can cull betwixt either a traditional tax treatment or a Roth pick.

What's the departure? We're glad y'all asked!


With a traditional tax handling option, your contributions are made with pre-tax dollars (taken out of your gross earnings), only you have to pay taxes on your withdrawals in retirement based on your tax bracket at that fourth dimension.


Roth contributions are made later taxes accept been taken out of your paycheck. That means y'all'll pay taxes on the money before it goes into the TSP. Here's the good news: When yous make Roth contributions, that money grows taxation-free and you lot won't pay any taxes on the money yous have out when you retire.

We always recommend going with a Roth choice when you lot accept the run a risk. Showtime of all, in that location'due south the taxation benefit. If you still have decades before you retire, there'south no guarantee that tax rates won't become upward. Only if you've already paid taxes, you don't have to worry about that.

The 2nd do good is an emotional one. Wouldn't you rather pay $100 in taxes on a paycheck today instead of watching your hard-earned nest egg decrease by hundreds of thousands later?

When you start early on with Roth contributions, yous don't even miss money that goes toward taxes because you're used to it. So the nest egg you worked so difficult to build isall yours in retirement.

What Are the TSP Contribution Limits?

For 2021, the contribution limit for your Thrift Savings Plan business relationship is $nineteen,500. If you're l or older, you can take advantage of the catch-up contribution limit and contribute an boosted $6,500 a year.v

Exercise You Go a Match on Your Contributions?

Another great function of the Thrift Savings Plan is the match you go from your agency or service on your contributions if yous're part of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) or Blended Retirement Arrangement (BRS).

If you are function of FERS or BRS, your agency or service starts contributing i% of your pay. Depending on which system yous're in, you could offset receiving that contribution immediately or afterwards threescore days in service. You get that 1% fifty-fifty without contributing annihilation on your ain.

On top of that one% contribution, you're eligible for a friction match upwardly to an boosted iv% afterwards ii years of employment. The government offers a dollar-for-dollar match on the first 3% you lot contribute. And so they friction match the next 2% at 50 cents on the dollar. So, if you lot contribute v% of your pay, y'all can get the total friction match. That's an additional 5%!

Getting a match on your contributions is free coin! That's why it's important to invest at least plenty to get the match. Most TSP participants are on top of it: Around lxxx% of those contributing to a TSP business relationship are putting in at least 5% of their pay to go the full match.6

Proceed in heed that the match your agency or service puts in your account will exist taxed in retirement, even if you make Roth contributions.

How Much Should You Invest in a TSP Account?

We recommend investing fifteen% of your income for retirement. When you contribute 15% consistently, yous set yourself up to have options when you lot retire. You as well get out enough margin in your budget to make progress on other financial goals like saving for college and paying off your house.

So how much of that 15% should be invested in your TSP account? As we mentioned, y'all should invest at least plenty to become the total match, as long as you're eligible for information technology. Don't leave gratuitous coin on the table.

Once you've contributed enough to become the match, work with your financial advisor to open a Roth IRA. With a Roth IRA, y'all can take reward of the tax-gratis growth and withdrawals and cull from more than funds than the TSP offers. If yous max out your Roth IRA and still oasis't hit fifteen%, get dorsum to your TSP account and invest the rest.

If for some reason you don't go a lucifer on your contributions, first with a Roth IRA. Information technology'due south piece of cake to sit down downwards with an investment professional person and talk through your options. They can assist you open a Roth IRA and cull the funds that best suit your needs. One time you've maxed out your Roth IRA, you can invest the remaining amount in your TSP account until yous hit 15% of your gross salary.

What Types of Funds Does a TSP Offer?

The TSP offers five different private fund options, each one invested in either short-term U.South. Treasury securities or U.S., international, or bond alphabetize funds.

  • The Government Securities Investment (K) Fund

  • The Stock-still Income Alphabetize Investment (F) Fund

  • The Mutual Stock Index Investment (C) Fund

  • The Pocket-sized Capitalization Stock Index (S) Fund

  • International Stock Index Investment (I) Fund

Before nosotros share more about these fund types and which ones I recommend, let'due south talk about the different ways you lot can manage these funds. With the TSP, y'all have ii options. Y'all can choose to invest inwhatever of the 5 individual investment funds. Or you can invest in a Lifecycle fund—a fund that has apreselected ratio of these five individual funds. What's the difference? We'll explain it.

Lifecycle Funds

Permit'southward first with Lifecycle funds. A Lifecycle fund, or 50 Fund, is similar to a target date fund—1 that'south based on the year you plan to retire.

Lifecycle funds include all five individual TSP funds. Just the ratio of those five funds adjusts quarterly so your 50 Fund becomes more conservative as y'all become closer to retirement.

For example, a 2040 Lifecycle fund is for participants expected to retire anywhere between 2035 and 2044. Currently, a 2040 50 Fund is more than aggressive and risky, but it volition continue to transition to being more conservative as participants approach retirement. Meanwhile, a 2020 L Fund is in protection mode at this point since participants in this L Fund are closer to retirement. Their nest egg is being sheltered from losses—and growth.

Lifecycle funds tin seem highly-seasoned because once you invest in one, it adjusts automatically. Only this is your future we're talking about, people! A computer doesn't know you lot, your financial situation, or your goals for your golden years. That's why nosotros're not a fan of Lifecycle funds or target date funds.

Individual Investment Funds

What nearly individual investment funds? If you choose this route (and it's the one we recommend), you lot tin choose how you lot want to balance the five fund types. Y'all tin can even skip the ones you don't want to exist part of your portfolio. You lot accept complete control over your investment.

Though these funds are the ones that make up Lifecycle funds, if you invest in them on your terms and according to your needs, you remain in control—rather than putting your future in the hands of a computer. Individual investment funds don't offer as many investment options as a Roth IRA, but they're however a much meliorate choice than a Lifecycle fund if you lot choose the right mix. That's why nosotros want you to stay abroad from Lifecycle funds and stick with private investment funds that continue you in the commuter's seat.

What Funds Should You Choose?

Let'south epitomize. When information technology comes to selecting which individual investment funds you desire in your portfolio, you have these 5 options:

  • The Government Securities Investment (G) Fund

  • The Fixed Income Index Investment (F) Fund

  • The Common Stock Index Investment (C) Fund

  • The Pocket-sized Capitalization Stock Index (S) Fund

  • International Stock Alphabetize Investment (I) Fund

So which funds should y'all choose for your TSP account? Here's our advice:

Stay away from the Yard and F Funds, which offer petty opportunity for growth. Stick with the C, Southward and I Funds. Here'due south the ratio we recommend for your portfolio:

  • 60% in the C Fund, which tries to match the Standard & Poor's 500 index's performance

  • xx% in the S Fund, an pick with aggressive stocks that can offering a loftier rate of return

  • 20% in the I Fund, an international fund that invests in stocks from overseas companies

If you want more data almost the funds in the TSP, sit down with an investing pro. They can help you choose the right funds, while also keeping your whole retirement picture in mind.

Piece of work With an Investment Pro

Y'all've worked too difficult to stop up broke in your retirement years. That's why information technology'due south so important to partner with an investment professional or financial advisor to take advantage of the investing options you take. A fiscal counselor can help you brand decisions almost your Thrift Savings Program business relationship so you feel confident nearly your retirement.

Demand assistance finding an investment pro? Try SmartVestor, a free way to detect a qualified investment pro who can create a wealth-edifice programme based on your specific situation and goals for the hereafter!

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