
Does Paypal Back All Of Your Money If You Dont Receive Item

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When y'all're rolling in the Benjamins, it may exist temptingly easy to spend your dough on diamonds and yachts galore, but these A-list celebrities are giving back in a big way. From charities to individual donations, the generosity goes on and on. Their donations make up a big role of the national percent of clemency fundraising, and they also bring awareness to social bug. Read up on these big-time givers of Hollywood and get inspired.

Keanu Reeves

Born in Beirut, Keanu Charles Reeves is a Canadian histrion known for his popular films like The Matrix, John Wick, Speed and the Netflix original Always Exist My Maybe. He in one case considered pursuing hockey professionally until he decided to go an thespian when he was 15.

Photo Courtesy: Anna Hanks/Flickr

His interim thrust him into stardom, and he has since solidified a reputation of being a versatile actor. Other forms of his artistry include directing and music performing. He even has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

A Reeves-y Generous Guy

Every bit generous every bit he is handsome, Reeves claimed that the terminal matter he cares almost is money and "[he] could live on what [he has] already made for the next few centuries." He reportedly gave $eighty million of his $114 million paycheck from The Matrix to the special furnishings squad, though that's also been deemed an urban legend.

Photo Courtesy: Anna Hanks/Flickr

Reeves set up up a cancer charity (his sister battled leukemia for a decade) and supports PETA, the SickKids Foundation and Stand Up to Cancer, aslope a few more than humanitarian companies that he co-founded.

Leonardo DiCaprio

As a Los Angeles native, Leonardo DiCaprio always knew he wanted to be either a marine biologist or an player. He dropped out of high school (eventually earning his GED) and took off into the spotlight, earning his get-go Academy Award nomination at the ripe age of 19.

Photo Courtesy: Boil Chen/ABC Television/Walt Disney Television/Flickr

Though he had difficulty landing roles in his early on career (near changing his name to Lenny Williams), DiCaprio became i of the most widely recognized actors in American cinema. In 2016, Time magazine named him one of the most influential people in the globe.

Recall The Wolf of Wall Street, just Nicer

A true household name, Leonardo DiCaprio's films take accumulated about $vii.two billion worldwide. Bated from acting, he'south i of the most active celebrities in the climatic change movement. He has donated modest fortunes to the Wildlife Conservation Society and other ecology organizations.

Photo Courtesy: GPA Photo Archive/State Department via Flickr

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation is dedicated to environmental awareness, too, and he aims to personally lower his carbon footprint past using solar energy and divesting from fossil fuels. During his acceptance speech at the 88th Academy Awards, DiCaprio used his platform to highlight climatic change.

Amal & George Clooney

Hollywood sweethearts Amal and George Clooney are about as fairytale as it gets. Meeting through a mutual friend in 2013, the 2 became engaged in 2014. She, a successful lawyer, and he, a renowned actor, were married in Venice past the former mayor of Rome, also a friend of George.

Photo Courtesy: Glyn Lowe PhotoWorks/Flickr

They purchased a £10 million house on the River Thames and occasionally appear at blood-red carpeting events. The two became parents with the birth of their twins in 2017 and take kept upward with their fair share of humanitarian efforts.

He Was an Actor, She Was a Lawyer — Can Nosotros Brand It Any More Obvious?

Amal and George co-founded the Clooney Foundation for Justice in late 2016 to "advance justice in courtrooms, communities and classrooms around the world." Amal started the Amal Clooney Scholarship, partnered with the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, and she and her husband sponsor a Yazidi educatee.

Photo Courtesy: U.Southward. Department of Commerce via Flickr

Following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018, the Clooneys pledged $500,000 to March for Our Lives. Amal was also a chair of the famous Met Gala benefit in 2018. The 2 have endorsed presidential candidates and openly support the LGBTQ+ community.

John Cena

John Felix Anthony Cena Jr. is a human being of many talents. He's a professional wrestler, an histrion, a rapper and a television set presenter. His trash-talking style and industry accomplishments made him one of the most famous wrestlers on television, and his peers named him the greatest professional wrestler of all fourth dimension.

Photo Courtesy: Krystal Bogner/Flickr

Some of his leading picture roles include The Marine, 12 Rounds, Trainwreck, Ferdinand and Bumblebee. He released a rap album titled You Can't Come across Me in 2005 that rose to platinum certification. Cena continues to solidify his presence in contemporary culture.

Yous May Not Be Able to See Him, But Yous Tin can See His Kindness

John Cena has granted more than 500 wishes through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which is the most in the company'south entire history. He's earned awards such as the Chris Greicius Celebrity Award and appears in other notable advertising campaigns.

Photo Courtesy: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

He has even collaborated in partnerships with Susan M. Komen for the Cure and WWE'southward "Be a Star" anti-bullying campaigns. From 2011 to 2012 he raised more than $two 1000000 for breast cancer inquiry and matched $i million in donations for the FitOps Foundation, which helps military machine veterans detect stability through fitness.

J.K. Rowling

Joanne Rowling, ameliorate known by her pen proper noun J.K. Rowling, is a British author, producer, screenwriter and philanthropist. Her Harry Potter series became some of the best-selling books in history. Before in that location was wild magical success, however, she saw more trials and tribulations than most people.

Photograph Courtesy: Daniel Ogren/Flickr

J.Grand. Rowling's rags-to-riches story is inspiring to say the least, as she went from living in poverty to making a $one billion fortune. She's on numerous influential lists and was named the 197th richest person in the Great britain in 2016.

The Magical Globe of Sharing Your Fortune

J.Thou. Rowling created the Volant Charitable Trust, which combats poverty and social inequality with an annual upkeep of £5.ane million. Through fundraising efforts, she donates considerable amounts to health and social problems such every bit multiple sclerosis, 1-parent families and children's welfare.

Photograph Courtesy: Whitehouse/Wikimedia

She remains an advocate for aspiring writers and regularly auctions pieces of her writing for charity. She supports the Sharon Trust, tutoring prisoners who are illiterate. Though many of her charitable efforts revolve around literacy, they are also personal to the struggles she faced before her magical rise to fame.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson was built-in in Paris, France, which goes to show she'south always had that "je ne sais quoi." From the booming success of her office as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter to her grace in Dazzler and the Beast, she speedily became 1 of the highest-grossing actors of the 2010s.

Photo Courtesy: Joella Morano/Wikimedia Commons

When she wasn't filming major roles, she was continuing her instruction at Brown University, where she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in English literature in 2014. But we all knew she was a brainy beauty, right?

Contributions Fit for a Princess (and a Witch!)

Emma Watson remained a champion of the limelight on and off the photographic camera. She is a potent supporter of teaching for girls. In 2014 she was declared a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. As an advocate for feminism, Watson has launched several campaigns to give women a safe space to share experiences.

Photo Courtesy: Ilona Higgins/Wikimedia Commons

She believes in men's participation in feminism and has spoken on bug such as women'south educational activity and gender-based discrimination. Watson even helped develop a legal advice line for women. Her donations and efforts put her on Fourth dimension's list of the most influential people.

Jackie Chan

Chan Kong-sang, known professionally every bit Jackie Chan, is one of the almost influential cinematic and action-oriented personalities in the world. He began acting in the 1960s and has appeared in more than 150 films. Though he attended the Communist china Drama Academy, he also rigorously trained in martial arts and acrobatics.

Photograph Courtesy: Luke Rauscher/Flickr

Chan's early roles were small and martial arts-based, and he had his quantum in the Usa within the action-comedy genre, specifically with Rush Hour. He received stars on the Hong Kong Artery of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The (Martial) Fine art of Giving Back

In 2016, Forbes named Jackie Chan the second-highest-paid actor in the world. Inspired by the charitable efforts of Warren Buffett and Nib Gates, he pledged to donate half of his assets to charity upon his death.

Photo Courtesy: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

As a lover of nature, Chan is a UNICEF Goodwill Administrator and has campaigned against animal corruption and for wild fauna conservation. He donated $65,000 for flood relief in Thailand, previously promoting relief for mainland floods in Red china and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Chan also founded the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation and the Dragon's Heart Foundation.

Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith

Hollywood's favorite mom and dad Volition Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith are ultimate relationship goals. They met on the set of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air when Jada auditioned to play Will's girlfriend. The two began dating in 1995 and married in 1997. Jada has said that she would throw away her unabridged career before she let it break up their marriage.

Photo Courtesy: Stan Evans/IMDB

The couple has produced a few films together and is song about how they raise their children. Kids Jaden and Willow Smith take even started successful ventures of their ain.

The Philanthropic Prince of Bel-Air

The couple created the Volition and Jada Smith Family Foundation in Baltimore. The charity focuses on youth in urban inner cities and family back up. They have provided grants to non-turn a profit organizations, and Jada has also contributed to organizations like Capital K-9s and PETA.

Photo Courtesy: Paul Williams/Flickr

The Smiths have donated more than $3 1000000 to various groups, including 2 Christian ministries, three Scientology organizations, the Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Center in Israel, a private elementary school that they founded in California and a Los Angeles mosque. They remain passionate about family values.

Ringo Starr

Sir Richard Starkey, or Ringo Starr, is famously known as the drummer of the Beatles. Starr was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame equally a Beatle in 1988 and over again in 2015 for his solo career. He's one of 21 performers who were inducted more once.

Photo Courtesy: Rob DiCaterino/Flickr

Starr'due south rise to fame may not have started or ended with the Beatles, but his legacy still remains embedded in it. Rolling Stone named him the 5th-greatest drummer of all time.

The Starr-t of Something New

Ringo Starr founded the Lotus Foundation with his wife Barbara Bach, a charity aimed to advance social welfare in diverse areas. In 2015, Starr and Bach auctioned items from their private and professional collections, raising over $9 million. A portion of the proceeds was donated to the charity.

Photo Courtesy: Schröder+Schömbs PR/Flickr

He also took office in George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh in 1971. Starr supports a number of charities, including the David Lynch Foundation, American Foundation for AIDS Research and 21st Century Leaders. He was also named 1 of the richest drummers in the globe.

Matt Damon

Matt Damon is one of the near notable actors in Hollywood. He rose to fame in 1997 with his breakthrough function in Good Volition Hunting and has racked upwards more than 23 nominations for prestigious awards, resulting in 2 wins. He also took up vocalization acting.

Photo Courtesy: Siebbi/Flickr

Aside from acting, Damon is besides known as a film producer and screenwriter. When he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he said it was 1 of those experiences that was "too big to process."

One Martian Makes a Difference

Damon founded the Water Africa Foundation, which joined forces with WaterPartners to create Water.Org in 2009. He is a ONEXONE ambassador, committed to improving the lives of children. He and other celebrities also founded the Non On Our Lookout Project.

Photo Courtesy: Siebbi/Flickr

His other charitable contributions include those to 1 Entrada and Feeding America and his public service announcement participation. His efforts circumduct around American social issues equally well as international ones. In 2013, he participated in a toilet-seat protestation to raise awareness for people who don't have access to water or proper sanitation.

Antonio Banderas

José Antonio Dominguez Bandera, known as Antonio Banderas, is a Castilian actor, producer and singer. He began acting in the 1980s and has since received praise for his roles in films like The Mask of Zorro, the Spy Kids series, Puss in Boots and Evita alongside American pop star Madonna.

Photo Courtesy: Unión Europea en Perú/Flickr

He owns fifty% of a winery in Spain and produces red and rosé wines. He received two honorary degrees from the University of Malaga and Dickinson College. Banderas has as well undergone multiple surgeries, just continues to spotter his health while working.

Castilian Hospitality Wins Again

Antonio Banderas keeps his activist efforts sharp when not immersed in the film earth. He appeared in a Spanish culture video alongside other celebrities supporting the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party in 1996. He continues to provide resources for disadvantaged people.

Photograph Courtesy: GabboT/Flickr

Banderas founded the Fundación Lágrimas y Favores in 2010 to provide scholarships for Academy of Malaga students, partnering with Cudeca, a charity for terminally ill cancer patients. In 2015, he supported Israel by helping to heighten $31 million for Israeli soldiers on behalf of the Friends of the Israeli Defence force Forces.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is about every bit A-listing as it gets. Coming from a family of seasoned Hollywood legends, Jolie has a variety of critically acclaimed films under her belt, including Gia, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Maleficent.

Photograph Courtesy: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Angelina Jolie has been viewed as a sex symbol in the public eye and caught media attending for her wild antics during her early career. Throughout her professional person success, she expanded her skills to film directing and producing. She's been described as a "skilled and sensitive filmmaker."

Jolie'due south "Joie de Donner"

Through her office as Lara Croft, Angelina Jolie claims her eyes were opened to the disastrous conditions of the world. She visited various refugee camps to ameliorate her understanding of social crunch bug and donated $ane meg to the Un High Commissioner for Refugees, which was the largest donation the organization had seen from ane individual.

Photograph Courtesy: Picture Crown Copyright/Mod/LA/Iggy Roberts via Flickr

Over more than forty field missions, Jolie continued to aid those in war-torn countries, even taking flying lessons to exist able to evangelize supplies. Her other charitable efforts extend to women'due south rights, children'south education and general homo rights.

Taylor Swift

Country superstar-turned-pop princess Taylor Swift constantly appears in headlines and on the radio waves with her top hits and media contributions. She became the youngest artist signed to a major label at the age of 15. Her seventh studio album Lover, released in 2019, made her the second woman in history to accept six consecutive number-one albums on the Billboard 200.

Photo Courtesy: Eva Rinaldi/Flickr

Her 1989 World Tour became the highest-grossing tour of 2015. She is currently undergoing a boxing with sometime managers for buying of her music, receiving public sympathy and support along the way.

She's Got a Blank Space, and She'll Write Your Proper noun

Taylor Swift'south philanthropic efforts extend far beyond the average glory. Though she is worth more $360 meg, she has donated considerable amounts to charitable organizations such as Architecture for Humanity, V Foundation for Cancer Research, Tennessee Equality Project and GLAAD.

Photograph Courtesy: GabboT/Flickr

A supporter of the arts, Swift has besides donated to diverse music programs, literacy programs and music departments. She'southward launched efforts to protect children from online predators and remains an active member of the Time'southward Upwardly movement. Swift strives to provide resource to immature musicians and artists.

Meryl Streep

Known as perhaps the best and most highly sought-afterward actress of her generation, Meryl Streep has accumulated a wide variety of roles and award nominations. She began acting in 1975 and won an Emmy award the following year.

Photograph Courtesy: Glyn Lowe PhotoWorks

Streep has been described every bit an interim chameleon with the ability and will to play any part. Despite her large success, she is pocket-size nigh her accomplishments. She has mastered many dissimilar accents and prefers to continue her personal life individual.

The Devil Wears Prada and Donates, Besides

Though information technology may exist difficult to imagine American cinema without the legendary matriarch, Meryl Streep has also contributed to charitable organizations and efforts that reflect her values. She aims to spread female empowerment and funded a screenwriters lab for female person screenwriters over 40 years one-time.

Photo Courtesy: Vincent Luigi Molino/Flickr

She wrote messages to Congress in support of the Equal Rights Amendment. Streep has also donated more than than $4 million to the Silver Mountain Foundation for the Arts while donating a cool $ane million to Vassar Higher. She declares herself a humanist promoting residual.

Oprah Winfrey

Idiot box's most beloved host, Oprah Winfrey, rose to distinction through her show and truly believes in sharing the wealth. The Oprah Winfrey Show was the highest-rated television program of its kind, and she has won numerous awards because of it.

Photo Courtesy: Alan Lite/Flickr

Winfrey launched her own production company and was credited for breaking traditional societal taboos on her show. Her career has as well involved acting roles, media execution and television producing. She was named the "Queen of All Media" and North America'southward starting time Black multi-millionaire.

Anybody Gets a Fundraiser!

Oprah Winfrey was named the beginning African American among a list of 50 most generous Americans. More than 400 scholarships were given in her name to students at Morehouse Higher in Georgia. She created Oprah's Angel Network, which provides grants to non-profit organizations effectually the globe and has raised more than $lxxx million for her causes.

Photo Courtesy: Official White House Photo/Lawrence Jackson

Winfrey invested more than $40 million, along with $7 million in public donations, to help poor and AIDS-affected children in Africa. She has expressed maternal feelings for the girls involved in the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.


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